Saturday 2 July 2005

Worth it or not?

I want to say I had an really excellent day but can't say that.

Pretty average actually. Been thinking a lot about starting the gym and really want to do this. I just want to be accountable to go. I find that I go when I have someone to go with but if I have to rely on myself then I don't tend to go. But mind you I have been going for walks since stopping it with BLONDE... and that wasn't ever something that I would do in the past.

I do want this to work, but sometimes I just want to give up!!! It just felt like what was the purpose as it takes soooo long to get to a certain weight. I have no one here in Hamilton that knows what it is like to loose as much as I have to loose.

I want to do this but I feel like I am giving my all with work and with my kids and my husband and also starting the small business I am starting and doing the weight thing I feel like I am going insane! I can't have it all but what do I give up... and realistically there is only the small business and the weight thing if I want to get back to sanity land again but then being big all my life isn't sane either.

Anyway that is me for now. I might update again later ???


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