Friday, 30 December 2005


Exhausted but decided to still post.

This morning I woke up startled by a phone call!!! I looked at the clock and it was 9am... OOOOHHHH SH****TTTTT I was supposed to pick up Kris at 8.45..... SH**T SH&*T so I got up, got dressed and made over to her place... still not awake I might add. After the full on day yesterday I think I was in the mood for a relaxing day NOPE NOPE NOPE that was not going to happen today.

So we went to the gym for an hour and a quarter and worked out.... on my arms mainly but did do some cardio and tummy exercises too. It was great to get back to the gym and I had on my mind to work out my "Bingo arms" as some people say he he he. I don't want saggy arms! I DON'T. Dropped off Kris and got home where the boys were waiting for me with their bike gear on ARGHHHHHH they were wanting to go on a bike ride and wanted me to go... so the sucker I am I went. (We took the car around afterwards and it was 4.5 kilometres). We stopped at the shops and had lunch with the boys and we stopped at a couple of playgrounds on the way home too. My youngest Quinn on the last stretch (4 years old remember) kept saying "don't ask me to go on a bike ride again... I will not go" he he he I started to laugh!!!! The poor little man it was a long ride for him that is for sure.

Had a fantastic heart to heart with hubby last night and he devised a plan for me for this weight loss and it is for January only at this stage. I am not going to say what it is here but at the end of January if it all works out and I lose weight then I will share it with everyone. I needed something... something for me to get my hooks in to. So far since Tuesday it seems to be working and I feel great so hmmmm.

So needless to say I am BUGGERED and I am now going to bed! I have had enough for the day and tomorrow is another day.

I want to get to my 25 kilos!! It will happen won't it?

Love Chubbymum


C said...

Yes, it will! Hehe, that is so cute about Quinn, I can see one of my little brothers doing something like that to.

Perhaps this will be the year that we banish bingo arms???

Karen said...

Yay for banishing "bingo arms" or my "wings" as I call them... we can do this!!!
And yes hun it WILL happen trust me!!!
Your plan with hubby sounds interesting so will stay tuned to read all about it at the end of Jan as I am sure it will work for you!
LOL @ Qinn's comment - that is so cute! But yes I guess 4.5kms is a long way to ride for a 4yr old! He does very well indeed!

Anonymous said...

Like the pantene ad mate, it wont happen overnight BUT IT WILL HAPPEN :)

Felicity said...

Hugs and Happpy Healthy and Safe New Year to you my cyber buddy

Sue said...

Happy New year, CM. Great bike ride - combining exercise AND family time, it's all good.