Friday 2 June 2006

17 Years With Hubby

I had an hour personal training by myself today with Crusher the trainer OMG OMG she almost killed me.

I have been very weary about getting on the cross trainer because I have a major problem with my knee and the doctor has told me to go to a specialist... but decided to tackle it today and see if I could do it (with Crusher teaching me how to stand properly) and I did it for 5 minutes 5 5 5 5 5 MINUTES woohooo I didn't think that I would last that long that is for sure. Tonight I am not feeling any discomfort in my knee so hopefully if I keep with how she has told me to do it then I will be ok.

I have carpet marks on my elbows from doing the up on elbows and toes for tummy crunches and on both of my elbows I have burn marks he he he woohooo I know I worked hard that is for sure.

Cross Trainer
Recumbant Water bike
Standing arms Water bike
Leg Lifts
Full on tummy crunches holding for 30 seconds.

OMG OMG OMG it was such an exhilerating hour.

Then spent the rest of the day taxi driving my mum around or the kids and I actually had an hour where I didn't have anyone around and I went upstairs to my bedroom and gave myself a facial and had a shower and just had some time to myself.

Woohoo tomorrow is an important day for me and hubby... I met my husband tomorrow 17 years ago! OMG I cannot believe that I have been with him that long.

Ok so in a months time I have been with my gym for a year and it is the best move that I ever made. Anyway hubby said he would like to join so we are going to save up a little bit so that he can come with me.... it would be great for both of us that is for sure. Hubby needs to get some exercise and I like going with someone and who better than my best friend aye. So that is going to be good. Woohooo

Anyway I am going now to bed... need my sleep.

Love CM

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