Wednesday 19 July 2006

What a full on day

What a day..

Didn't want to wake up and go to work today that is for sure.

Got in my new car to go to work this morning at 7.30 and I thought to myself... OMG there is a terrible smell in here.. I thought it was the plastic bag we had in the front for rubbish (little one that hooks up to the passenger side) then went to work as there was nothing in bag that was food etc... after work I went to get my umbrella from the boot and to my horror there were bags in the boot... we went to the Mad Butcher on Sunday SUNDAY and I said to hubby don't forget to get the meat out of the boot OMG he forgot (a fortnight of meat in the boot) I could have killed him. It was a horrible smell.. So I had to go and buy another fortnights meat GRRRRRR.

Got a phone call from a member from the soccer committee today at work and I thought OMG what is wrong... nothing was wrong everything was right.. My son's team (who I manage he he he) won our the preliminary round of soccer and will be in the awards ceremony at the University at the end of the year.. apparently the kids go up on stage to receive their certificates and prizes.. OMG a PROUD proud mum was I!!!! I had to go and tell everyone I could think of he he he

Went to the gym tonight with hubby as he started last week as a full gym member and as we were going there I kept asking him to go to the kickboxing class with me and he said No he just got his new program he would do that tonight.. so when we got there our trainer came out and she said to hubby "are you coming to the kickboxing class I am doing tonight?" he said "no I want to do my new program" she said "I gave you the program and I am sure you can do it another day and come to the class" OMG I was laughing my head off as I wanted him to see how hard the class was... he did so well for his first night on the class that is for sure and I was sooo proud to have my hubby there tonight and our trainer worked us so hard (even the other ladies said so).

We worked on butts, thighs and tummys so much tonight!! I am soooo sore. And I have my LEAN group tomorrow morning at 6am as well argghhh and then my personal training on Friday with my trainer and then Sunday. OMG I have planned a lot of exercise this week.. Tues, Wed, Thur, Fri, Sunday... I better lose something this coming Tuesday because I started the No Count program tonight.. but it is a lie if you think about it because you still have to count on foods that aren't in the No Count program hmmmmm

Day started off with:

2 Toast (raison bread)
2 Weetbix
Green Milk

Vege Slice
Cottage Cheese
Sunflower Seeds
Snow Peas


I have been good today (well I think so anyway he he he).

I want to get to that 30 kilos everyone... I repeat again only 4 kilos to go!! to go! I am pumped and feeling really positive about this week.

A good friend (from LEAN) and I have a challenge between ourselves. I am lacking motivation so I said to her that I wouldn't mind going around New Zealand and doing the kilometres at the gym or something so on Tuesday night hubby, my friend and I sat down and worked out our challenge..

So we worked out from our place to Rotorua is 110 kilometres so we have done a 108 boxes on excel and everytime we do 1 kilometre we highlight what we have done and see how long it takes us to do 110 kilometres. So tonight the kickboxing (we agreed this yesterday) was 4 kilometres as it isn't as much as walking totally as getting on a treadmill or bike etc.

So I managed to colour in 4 kilometres today.... The reason we chose Rotorua is because we are going there in 4 weeks for the Tough Guy/Gal challenge so we are going to drive there and see how far we had walked in that 4 weeks.

So that makes an average of 5.5 kilometres a day (if we are going to the gym 5 times a week).

My lovely friend decided not to go to the kickboxing tonight but go on the treadmill and she went on it for 1 hour and 3 minutes and she did 7 kilometres GEESH she is beating me he he he he but that is ok.. I will do it!! I am so enjoying having her as a friend!! She is normal!! I know that sounds strange but we email each other all the time and we just click and it is really nice!! and she lives in my town (now that is scary as normally friends I meet live too far away).

I am back on track everyone...

30 kilos!! HERE I COME!!!

Love ya all

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