Saturday 21 April 2018

Representing New Zealand in California 2018

Thanks Jaxx & Janine for commenting

Jaxx am I allowed to see your new blog?  Would love to support you

Janine I hope you are doing well.

I have been away for a week with work for the week and it is always disruptive to my eating and I can't work out how to combat that.  I did try not to over eat and tried to eat healthier than I normally would.

Quinn has also been selected to be in the NZ Inline Hockey team to represent NZ in California in 7 weeks time so stressing about getting quite a lot of money together before that OMG I don't know how we are going to do that.  Yep so that is the eating not going well with stressing about that now.
Image may contain: one or more people and people playing sports
Quinn playing Inline Hockey (bottom left)
I am so proud of him getting to represent New Zealand.  He is doing so well and grown up so fast. 

I am proud of both my boys...

Charlie is not happy that Corbin is not sharing lol

I tried healthy choice today.  Decided that I need to go back to basics and that I can't just take everything away.... it doesn't work because if it did then I would be skinny wouldn't I.  So trying to point my day whether it is good or bad and get some exercise and then I can start refining it later.

Blogging is missing in my life.  Making connections to keep me on track and me reading blogs to keep them going is what is missing.  So let's do this together.  Come and say hello so I can read your blog and do the same

Let's lose this weight and keep it off and learn how to be happy.

Love Chubbymum

1 comment:

Jaxx said...

Here is my blog

Wow what amazing achievement for Quinn, money I think is the number 1 stress for most people.

It is hard, when away for trying to eat properly.

Looking forward to following your journey, lets do it this time and keep it off for good :)