Saturday 14 April 2018


Work friend has been doing Keto for a week and has lost 3.4 kilos.  I mean that is fantastic woohooo but wow that is a lot in a week.

She has suggested that I do it to.  I am in such a quandary about it all as I have been stagnant for 2 years and stayed the same weight.... yeah that is great I have stayed the same but stayed the same at 144.4 kgs is not good at all.

Somewhere along the way I lost my ability to keep it off.  My lowest was 118 point something and that was still heavy but getting back to 144.4 kgs is stupid!!!! I did all that hard work and I met some great people and did some great things and now I am up almost to my highest weight.

I don't know what to do.  Jeremy said yes you do know what to do.  Well I suppose I do.  Get back on Weight Watchers F&*k everyone else and just do it.

So that is what I am going to do.  Blogging last time worked for me and I met some great people and I can meet some great people again. 

Today's weight is 144.4kgs.... the reason I am putting that on here is because when I keep my weight loss on the side bar and I change it and then years later I go back to my posts and I don't actually know what my weight was.

I have to get back in to the discipline of posting on here to keep me motivated.

I travel a lot in my job now and next week I am travelling to Whanganui which is like 5 hours from home.  I get quite scared travelling alone.... not about people but about what I am going to eat and I tend to go for the easy because I can't be bothered.  The motels don't have the right cooking facilities so I just F&*&k it up.

Since gaining the weight back again I have lost so much confidence.  I get anxiety and feel like I am not going to achieve this and then I give up.

I am going to try to keep my blog going again.  If you are out there reading I would love some support and I will support you in return.  I need some weight loss buddies to get my journey started again.

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