Sunday 6 May 2018

Out with my boys

I want to come on here and say it all. I am a little scared to now.  I used to be able to say what I think but things don't feel the same since I gave up blogging years ago.  I hope it will get better but been burnt.

Last night was amazing.  J had his buddies over for Poker so the boys and I went out for dinner (probably not a good choice of dinner but I spent time with my boys) and then we went to the pool hall and played a couple of games of pool.  It was good to relax with them and just be us and not worry about other people.  We laughed and I won 2 games out of 4.  I don't think Corbin thought I could play and the first couple of times I was just sinking one after the other and he was like getting a little mad lol but as I said to him when I first start off I am good then I get worse lol.

Had a really tough week this week.  Someone told J and I something and I am struggling to come to terms with it.  I can't say right now but at a later date I might but it turned my world upside down and inside I have been struggling to understand. 

I lost 500 grams this week.  I am all good with that.

J and I will be together for 30 years June 2019 and we were thinking of going to Rarotonga so I have a year and 1 month to get myself in order.  If I lose 500 grams a week then I can make it to 115 kgs by then.  If I lose more then that will be even better.  But realistically 500 grams is enough.  I have decided that when I go hard out I FUCK up so I need to be realistic.

I need to lose this weight and keep it off and not gain it back.

I need to read blogs and support people and have people support me.  So please comment so I can come and comment on your blog. 

Let's support each other.


Jaxx said...

As the kids get older, time gets more precious with them..... like you I need to lose this weight and keep it of for good and not regain plus some again.

Rarotonga sounds like an awesome goal and holiday to work towards :)

Chubbymum said...

Jaxx we can do this. I know we can

Lee-Anne said...

OMG Mandy - how cool is it to see you here. Glad to see you blogging again.

Chubbymum said...

Hi Lee-Anne. Great to see you reading too :-)

Tracy said...

Sounds like you are having some tough times my friend. I hope you are having a better week this week so far :-)

Wanna_B_slimmer said...

Keep the blogging going!! I need to do it too and get the gained weight back off for good!!