Saturday 9 April 2016

Expensive but it might be the motivation I need

Highest Weight: 160 kgs
Start Weight 2 January 2016: 145.6 kgs (320.3 lbs)

  • Weight Last week: 143.9 kgs (316.6 lbs)
  • Weight This week: 145.8 kgs (320.76 lbs)
  • Lost this week: Gain... again
Total lost since 2 January 2016 : Gain 200 grams 
Total loss to get to 119.9: 25.9 Kilos to go

Losing weight takes concentration.

I need to sort out my food.  I am going to the gym with J once a week at lunch time and going both days in the weekend with Quinn and J.  Stress at work doesn't help at all either.  I need to make myself a priority.  I know this and I know what I have to do but had no reason to do it.  Not even my health.

Brought myself a Gear2 watch a week ago and it has been making me sort myself out. I am trying to keep my heart rate at the right level for weight loss.  I have tried to do at least 30 minutes of exercise 5 times a week.  Even if it is getting off my fat ass at work and walk for 15 minutes and then walk 15 minutes back.  It is sort of helping with my stress levels at work.

The food is doing my head in.  I have never been a sweet tooth person usually been a cheese, potato, chips sort of person.  But it has changed in the last couple of months and doing my head in as I want chocolate ALL the time.

J dropped me and charlie off on the side of the road so that it would take me 30 minutes to walk charlie home today.  It was nice as it was a different route.  When  you are walking around the block it is always the same and I am bored with it but I didn't feel like going down to the lake or river as I get a bit bored with doing the same route again and again.  

Was a lovely day today. The sun was shining. Charlie was happy and it wasn't stinking hot in the middle of the day.  I love Autumn.

Had a huge heart to heart with J last night as I am so stressed at work and working 50 to 60 hours a week and my health is suffering and gaining weight is so not what I want anymore.

In the next couple of weeks I am going to get as much of my work up to date and then I am going to try and stick to only 40 hours a week only.  I am going to do at least 30 minutes a day of walking or gym and food is going to be better.  I want to be the chubbymum that was happy when at 119 kgs.  I know I need to be smaller than that but losing the BLEEP BLEEP weight again is not exactly making me motivated.  So getting back to the 119 is an aim.

I have a motivation now... not a cheap one but motivation at least.  If I can get down to 119 kgs then as soon as the 119.9 comes up hubby will help me to get something I have wanted in a while but my weight is letting me down (in my head)

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