Sunday, 29 October 2006

Addicted to blogs

OMG in the past week I feel like I am addicted to reading everyone's blogs because I need need need lots and lots of motivation to keep me going. I want to keep this feeling! I want to keep feeling so great.

Went to the gym with Debbie again this morning and we worked out little butts off.

Did 10 minutes on the bike and then did 2000 metres on the rower and it took me 10 minutes and 16 seconds... OMG I shaved off almost a minute from what I was doing last week.... what a high.

We went on the treadmill next and Debbie and I did 1 minute off and 1 minute on of jogging and walking... and yes Helena I did wish that it would hurry up at the end of the minute he he he... I am enjoying the fact that I can do it and that I am sweating like a pig as my t-shirt was wet when I got off. I had a little niggle in my knee so I have to watch it and make sure that I watch how I am running on the treadmill but I was doing it and the best thing was an old work mate of mine was on the treadmill next to me and she is like half my size and she was walking on the treadmill. I felt on a high high high.

We went down to the woman's gym after this and went into the sauna and sat there for about 10 minutes and then went and did the circuit on the woman's gym equipment.

This jogging thing is just amazing.... I would not have thought I could do that!!! I would not have thought it would happen until I was under the 100 kilo mark that is for sure.

I am sooo psyched about this weeks weigh in as I have been working my butt off this week. 24.2 kilos to get under 100 kilos and it is going to happen!! it is!!!

I have actually had all my water for each day this week too (THANKS to my WW leaders) I have tried so hard to make sure that those 3 litres have gone down my gob he he he. It is the hardest thing ever ever ever for me!! I just hate water but I want this weight to fall off me like it did when I started when I have lots of motivation and great people around me helping me loose this weight. Mojo was fantastic then!!! I want the Mojo from then back.

I have been tracking like a trooper too and I have been trying to stick to Crusher's food challenge... some days it has been a little hard because it is sooo repetitive and for six weeks hmmm not sure how it is going to be but you try having wraps every single day for lunch... what is inside them can be different but wraps for lunch everyday is B.O.R.I.N.G ARRGHHHH going crazy... especially trying to make them taste different so I don't get upset and eat the wrong thing.

I must admit the two weeks that I lost the 1.1 and the 1.2 were the weeks that I was doing Crushers other meal plan for me and it was fantastic. But they were interesting and I had two or three choices for the lunches so I didn't go stir crazy. I will do it till the end of this week but after that if I am feeling like I am going to stray I am going to talk to her to give me another option for lunch!

Today's wrap was lamb strips, carrots, lettuce, jalepeno hummus (little smear), mushrooms, falafel (homemade and little). It was devine!! it was different and a little bit of points there but it was at least better than chicken in it all the time or just plain salad.

After the gym we went in to town to look at vacuum cleaners for mum for christmas as she has hinted sooo much about them but didn't find one that we liked or one that we thought she might like so we will keep looking. But we went to K-Mart to look at the toy section with the boys to get their christmas presents sort of sorted... anyway we were in there and the boys went nuts over these skate boards... so while I was entertaining them hubby told them that he was going to the loo and then went and brought them and put them in the back of the car for them he he he so at least the big presents are now done for them and we just need to get little things for them. We did get a couple of things in Wellington while we were there.

Only the brother in law, father in law and step mother in law to go not bad really... We still have my mum but we know what she wants just have to find the right one... so that is pretty much sorted.

Hubby and I don't usually get presents for each other... I said the only thing I want is to go camping.. To be quite honest I would love it if he organised a camping trip with another family and friends to go with us... but I know my hubby and I am sure some of you know him by now too he just doesn't think out of the square and would NEVER do that unless I organised it and then what is the point he he he. So that is the only thing I want for Xmas..

The rest of the day was basically cleaning around the house... ho hum.... but it is something that all of us have to do.

I did play knuckle bones with the kids and trying to teach them how to play the game.. OMG it brought back so many memories playing the game with them... Corbin got upset because he couldn't catch them on the back of his hand and I had to keep telling him that he will get it... but it will take practice hmmm the patience of... nothing he he.

Anyway guys.. sooo tired and going to organise dinner.

Love ya all


Kate said...

Wow you are organised with christmas stuff this year! Well done!! I'm getting there slowly :-)

Yay for the jogging!!!

Karen said...

Well done on being so organised for Christmas hun! I thought I was doing well but you are definitely going better than I am! :)
And yay for the jogging and a bigger yay for enjoying it!!! :)
Have a great week.

Anonymous said...

wow, you sound so focussed and motivated.

I love reading about the running :) You go girl!!