Sunday, 16 September 2007

Saturday and Sunday


Woke up early had breakfast and then went shopping woohoooooo. Went to the Shoe clinic and they got me on a treadmill with a camera behind me and watching how I walked... it was really weird watching myself walk from behind myself.

Apparently I walk on the inside of my feet and so I need a lot of support. So we tried on a lot of shoes to see what felt comfortable and then when I had the ones that I thought were right then we went back on the treadmill and watched how it changed my feet. It was really different and made me really happy that these shoes will help. He asked if I had problem with my knees and asked me if they were on the inside of my knees.. OMG he was right and so these shoes should help... $220 later (down by $99 on sale arghhh) So I invested in shows over $300 that is sooo not like me but I do feel that they will be great.

Then at 11 we went to the prize giving for both Corbin and Quinn. Finally left after 2pm arghhhh and I don't want to do that again... what a long experience that was. Hubby's brother and girlfriend turned up and so did Hubby's Dad.

After the prize giving we went to the break up party of the team members. It was a pot luck dinner and there was about 40 people there it was a lot of fun but Marina (one of the ladies that I go to coffee with) giving me midori and lemondade drinks and for some reason she kept topping them up when I wasn't looking... we had some parents there that didn't really mingle well and were quite strange but hey that is life. We ended up leaving there at 9.30 and the kids were so tired.

We did break for 1/2 an hour and went to get some lunch and we walked past a cafe and a old work mate was there with his other half (another old work mate) and his mother (who was the only one of our friends that we invited the parent too as she was sooo cool. Anyway they saw us walk past the window and he waved and smiled and I could see his mum mouth who is that and he said my name and she looked at me and had her mouth wide open like she couldn't believe it or something and then she smiled and mouthed wow... felt sooo coool...

Here are some photos:

Quinn and his team members (Quinn is 3 from the left)

Quinn above with the trophy on his lap

Corbins team (he is at the back on the right) they won the 8th Grade Championship for their division.
This was at the team pot luck dinner and Darren (the guy in the red) was our manager and he was giving out certificates and trophies for the year.

I was roped in to handing out the trophies while Darren gave the certificate and a speach. I tied my hair back for the prize giving but had it straight for most of the night.


Got up and went to the gym as I was excited to get to the treadmill with my new sneakers and IT WAS BLOODY EXCELLANT it felt like I was on a cushion of air (the sneakers have gel bottoms) and I didn't feel like I was running in bare feet like I have for a while now. It was soooo great and jogging on the treadmill I didn't feel as bad and the knees didn't hurt and I was sweating like a pig after it..

We went and did our triceps, biceps, lat pulldowns, cross trainer and felt really great afterwards. Tomorrow night we are going to be doing the legs and the tummy and then Wednesday will be back to kickboxing.

We haven't been in a week because of my back and didn't want to upset my back at all that is why we have been just walking.

The afternoon was spent cleaning out the study so that I can find some crafty things for the kids so they can make some birthday cards for their friends birthdays and we were making jigsaw puzzles with my jigsaw cutter.

The weekend went to fast and now I have to get off blog reading and get my backside going on making Quinn's birthday invites arghhh. Can't wait till they are done and then it is another year till I have to do them again.

Love ya all




Helena said...

Hi busy girl, they boys are looking adorable in their sports outfits and you sexy lady are looking fab! :)

celtic_girl said...

WOW, sounds like you had a very busy weekend. Buying shoes that help rectify prolems is an investment, have you ever been to a foor specialist, maybe orthotics would help you as well?

Anne said...

You look Fantastic!! And your boys very cute!

I walk on the inside of my feet too - which caused the calf muscle and lower calf trouble I had for ages.

Chris H said...

Shoe Clinic... I can only say one thing about that place... "Rip off artists".... I paid $250 for sneakers that were "PERFECT" for my feet according to their darn video and treadmill test... and I have had no end of troubel with my feet since... and they only lasted 6 months!!!! I got callouses, blisters, aching arches, you name it!!!!! And now I will never go there again. I bloody hope your's ARE PERFECT for your feet, I really do!!!!