Tuesday, 22 February 2005

G String

Hello everyone...
I have come to the conclusion that I have to GET OFF MY ARSE AND GET THIS WEIGHT OFF. I really can't understand why with all the exercise I am doing that I am not loosing more. Like I loose one week and gain the next it is just bizarre.
So I am sorting out my exercise for this week and it goes like this. Monday - Kickboxing (taebo as some call it) 1 hourWednesday - Stump 1 hourThursday - Kickboxing 1 hour
So in points that is 39 points extra this week.I am going to take half those points of 19.
I AM GOING to drink my water. I mean I am soooo slack on this. I think I am drinking my 2 litres a day but I might not be.
I can loose more I know I can. Last week was atrocious for me! I just wanted to eat eat eat... I have never had it that bad with my monthly before but last week I just couldn't get full and it worried me as I don't want to go off my life change.
I do feel that since I have started this change I want to do more with the family but after this terrible week I was depressed on Friday and just wanting to blob on the weekend and I don't want that anymore.. I don't want to be sooo depressed like I was on Thursday Friday... I want to be happy and I want to look in the mirror and feel happy and not what does anyone see in this person that looks like she is pregnant (as my tummy sticks out... hubby says for a big person I don't have a big arse it is all out front).
Well anyway my mum just phoned me at work and said "Telecom phoned and said that your G String is ready... OMG I just burst out laughing as she didn't realise what she had said. She said that she had asked the guy if she was correct and said G string and he said yes..." so I said to her it isn't a G string it is Jetstream he he he and we just couldn't stop laughing... especially knowing how big I am and me having a G String is soooo out of the question he hee....
Anyway I will write again later. Hope everyones day's are going well.
Chubby Mum
posted on 12:32 p.m

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