30.06 Kms
They had three of these and we were given numbers when we first came in and when your number was up then the 2 people that had that number would take a bag each and kick and hit from opposite sides. The rest of the people were doing the class with the same hits and kicks that the people on the bags were doing. OMG OMG I am sooooo sore it was soooo great and I was fatiged after the class that I felt like I was going to keel over it was the strangest feeling but I loved it.
Got home after the Kickboxing and found that Corbin had gone to sleep the minute we left at 5.30pm and it worried me because before we left I gave him some pamol as he was feverish. He has had a cold for 2 weeks now and we thought that he was getting over it but obviously he wasn't poor wee man. So we took him to the A & E to make sure that all was ok and we were sent home with Antibiotics and I feel happy about that because after 2 weeks his body wasn't fighting this and so he needed help. Hopefully this will sort him out.
2 weeks until the Wedding Expo and I am far from on track and I am tired of doing new invites to put in this... it is getting me down because I am a perfectionist and I don't like doing what everyone else is doing and then when I do do something I don't think it is good enough.
I am not going to do another Expo that is for sure as I would rather get a wedding and do exactly what they wanted instead of having to make up a lot of samples for a one day thing.
Which reminds me Lee-Anne girl we have to touch base re your wedding hun. I have to get to you some samples and we have a good old chin wag and sort out exactly what you want in these invites.... sorry I have been so preocuppied with the wedding expo and you did say your wedding wouldn't be till next year. I am still on to it ok!!!
Oh and I went to put my painting clothes on in the weekend too to do some painting and they used to be sooo tight on me that I would never wear them anywhere but at home and so I went and put them on and started laughing and hubby came upstairs to see what the hell I was laughing at and saw that they were sooo big that I couldn't even let them go because there was no belt to keep them up soooooo funny and made me realise how far I had come. So here is the photo...
So there you are... the pants that used to really really tight look sooo loose on me now and I could not keep them up he hehe
Good night everyone
Hi Mandy,
Just wanted to leave a quick note to let you know I've got the flu and a trip to Hamilton is not looking good at the moment. I'm in Auckland housesitting, while my parents are down at the bach but I'm so stuffed up with a headcold and don't feel like doing anything except hibernating.
I am not 100% sure what my work schedule will be like, but should be able to fit a visit in even after I've returned to work next week as I won't be doing a full 5 days.
Take care, your sounding well. All the best with the expo. I will have my fingers crossed that you make alot of contacts that lead to orders.
Hey! Great picture - there's room in those pants for someone else!! Just wanted to let you know that I hadn't forgotten about you - I have been using Google Reader and for some reason its not showing your updates - so I just stoppe by and looks like I have some catching up to do! Take care! You're doing great.
that photo is just FANTASTIC!!!
very inspiring. :o)
hey chickey, just touching base with you. I'm the same as Christine, using google reader and because your's is a private journal it doesn't come up.
Sounds like youre doing really well, very proud of you!!!
Wooo, that's heaps of exercise, you're on fire! And that photo is amazing. :)
I hope you have a good week and I know that you'll go just great at the expo so don't feel down about it all, if anything you'll probably end up with onhe of the best looking and very professional stand!
painting clothes pic is great EXCELLENT
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