Tuesday, 21 June 2005

Told the Boss

I told the boss today!

Walked into work and had a really upset tummy all the way in to work this morning.

I walked into her office and said can I have a chat and she said yes and I closed the door. She looked at me with a frown and said "uh oh is everything ok?" I looked at her and said no and told her about the job offer and told her what I was thinking and you could see it on her face that she wasn't happy to be loosing me but she couldn't do much as there are redundancies and she said she didn't want me to go at all but I have to do what is right for me. She said she can't guarantee anyones job at all. When reading back on this it sounds harsh but she was shocked and she was upset because we do get on so well.

Anyway.... just been for a walk and not in the mood for writing too much I will update more tomorrow.

Did my 50 minute walk tonight in the fog OMG was I cold at the start then hot when I got back.

Good night everyone feeling quite depressed today and just need to go to bed.

Chubbymum :-(

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